

WHAT: During the first quarter of 2021, the demand for hotel stays decreased by 11.9%, but the demand for extended stays in the hotel industry increased by 8.6%. During 2020 and 2021, hotels that offer longer stays have proven to be both pandemic and recession-proof. Occupancy at hotels offering longer stays has fallen slightly in 2021, but this is the first time since 2009. The average occupancy for longer stays is still higher than other accommodation segments, and is probably due to the pandemic. Discounted hotels for longer stays still perform better than mid-priced and exclusive hotels.

SO WHAT: With a greater internal tolerance around teleworking, many people choose to extend the holiday by a few days, or alternatively simply change their place of residence for a period while they work. We can also see that the use of holiday homes has skyrocketed throughout the Nordic region and that challenges regarding multilocality – that you use community services in a municipality other than the one you are writing about – are emerging as an important political issue. For Workation guests, contexts that one enters into, for example communities connected to hubs, are central to getting a social exchange. For municipalities and regions, this means a new reason to visit and new target groups where people often talk about a “brain gain” which of the municipalities that succeed, can contribute a lot to regional and local development and give real traces in the national economy. continued-staying-power where-they-work /