House Prices

Posted in: Migration patterns

WHAT: A large proportion of those who move from big cities state housing prices as the reason for the move. During the corona pandemic, the thoughts of having a garden and green areas nearby has almost changed from a desire to a need for many. In Stockholm, house prices have risen faster than prices for condominiums (over 10% per year), which clearly shows an increased interest in houses, but also a greater need for affordable housing. In areas directly next to Stockholm, house prices have increased the most, even more than in neighbouring areas just slightly further out. In the Netherlands, on the other hand, the trend is different. There, several rural areas have seen faster increase of housing prices, over 20 percent, compared to Amsterdam where prices increased by only 3.4 percent. 


SO WHAT: Affordable housing will continue to be needed, and for those who can not afford the rising house prices in metropolitan areas, the countryside will be a cheaper alternative. Even in some parts of the countryside, you can see that immigrant city dwellers are driving up house prices, which creates both challenges and benefits for already living in the area. If the trend continues, a potential disruption in urbanization within certain target groups may take place in favour of more rural areas growing, which would mean a greater spread of talent and knowledge workers. This in turn places greater demands on organizations when it comes to teleworking, but can also be an advantage with greater diversity among employees, more markets and a greater understanding of these.