Development of Norway’s Island World

Posted in: Migration patterns

WHAT : Træna is a small island with 500 inhabitants, 60 km from the mainland of North Norway. The island stimulates its local development by inviting international actors to live there temporarily, for a shorter or longer period of time, and helps them to develop projects in various categories such as art, gastronomy, business, anthropology or photography. The goal is to develop the island community in an innovative, creative and sustainable way, with contributions from both residents and visitors. 

Arctic Coworking Lodge is a combined co-living and co-working hub that has been established on Lofoten to attract digital nomads to the adventurous life there, with surfing, climbing, skiing and hiking. They have also opened a small café to create a more social and creative exchange of ideas among the teleworkers. It has become popular with digital nomads, who stay there for weeks or months and sometimes get there with their own boats.


SO WHAT: Small communities actively benefit from the distance work and the trend around digital nomads by finding their own ways to attract and benefit from temporary residents who can participate in the development of society. In this way, they get both economic development and attractiveness as well as a creative and versatile “brain gain”. All individuals who come there can contribute to local development through innovations or development for the benefit of the local community, while appreciating the lifestyle and activities of the various places. Through this grassroots-driven development, the places also get attention that benefits their marketing and they are often out and about around the world talking about how they have built up their community around the development of the place.