City Rankings

WHAT: The Nomad List is a website created by and for digital nomads to rate cities in the world based on factors that affect quality of life. The website contains rankings and reviews of cities based on parameters such as happiness, temperature, cost of living, humidity, LGBTQ friendliness, family life, inclusion, as well as information on how to apply for a work visa and residence permit and where to work remotely. 


SO WHAT: This list shows that cities need to think about the overall infrastructure, culture and services in order to remain relevant. At the time of writing, Stockholm is in 46th place on the list and Malmö in 248th, which shows great potential for improvement within Sweden. Many cities today struggle with dying city centres following the closure of shops and restaurants, but pay less attention to the city’s or region’s overall impression and attractiveness. Living in many different cities has quickly become a widespread lifestyle for a relatively picky target group. More cities should therefore consider how best to look at all aspects of an active and sustainable lifestyle for digital nomads and new international long-term visitors, in order to attract a new group of temporary residents. And at the same time create added value and a nicer environment for those who already live on the site.